Monday, 25 February 2013

Greenstuff cloth, robes and surcoats by Ogrebane

Cloth Robes Surcoat

I would like to show you how I make the surcoats for my ogres. If I was making this any bigger I would mix milliput with the GS (like with my rhinox's) as it makes it alot stronger.

Anyway you start with these items.
A plastic sheet. A roller some plasticard and of course some GS.  
Blu tac the Plasticard to the plastic sheet. This will give you the thickness of the Surcoat.

Mix GS and place like so. Then roll it flat. Remeber to wet the plastic card and the roller or the GS will stick.

And you should end up with something like this.

Heres a shot of how I apply the gs. I like to keep the folds already on the ogre mini cause Im not so good at doing cloth yet.

And this is what it should look like.

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't mind seeing a bit more on this Aris - trying to sculpt cloth on my Menoth jacks for my new army.
