Thursday, 9 April 2015

Immoren's Deadliest Warrior - Kooidaminda Thunderdome! Light Warbeasts Part 3


About this time of the night we had a few extra drop ins so we  have 6 beasts per game and me Scribing. Its pretty tight (he he) with 6 in the arena but they are just out of charge range of each other.
So tonites contestants are,

From Legion... Raek. A lot of good stuff here I remember when one of these guys lept over my man o wars to kill butcher.
From Trollbloods The Winter Troll. The ability to freeze stuff is good but it can be shaken.
Circle brings you the Woldwatcher. So its animus will stop it front being thrown out of the ring, I'm thinking that's a good thing.
And just because we cant get enough of Legion we bring you the Afflictor. It flies and it has reach so take that.
And circle brings you another Wold, the Woldwyrd. A rock on a string maybe this isn't his game.
And last circle bring you the Winter Argus. The troll is going to have trouble with this guy. Freezing breath and immunity to cold, where have I heard that before.

So the beasts start out approx 18 inches apart if my math works so no first turn charges taking place.

Turn 1. Raek runs towards the center then Winter troll moves 5"and sprays Raek but misses. Watcher moves 3" as does the Afflictor (keeping ahead of the walls). Wyrd moves and shoots the Afflicter and does 9 dmg then another 7 taking out its body. Argus animi gives it +2 arm then it moves 6 ".

Turn 2. Raek charges the Winter Troll and does 9 dmg, attacks again and does 5 more (ouch) then is Frozen for its trouble. Winter troll moves then sprays watcher for 2 dmg. Watcher moves near Afflictor and shoots for 1 dmg taking him out of the game. Wyrd moves and shoots at Argus and does 7 damage taking out his spirit and pretty much takes him out as well as he cant be gforced now. But the Argus sprays the Wyrd and does 7 damage to it. Walls move but every one is in the ring.

Turn 3.  Raek shakes stationary and moves to the center. Winter Troll with no spirit (why is the rum gone?) sprays the watcher and does 2 dmg. Watcher who now notices the troll sprays it and kills it. Wyrd sprays the Argus for 4 dmg and the Argus sprays the Wyrd and misses but the second shot does 3 dmg. Walls move and all safe.

Turn 4.  So whose left. We still have Raek, both the Wolds and the Argus.So Raek charges the Wyrd and do3es 9 dmg, then attacks the Argus and misses so has another go at the Wyrd and kills it.Watcher moves and shoots at Raek in combat but misses both. The Argus does some stuff then the controller reads the card changes tack and attacks Raek and misses twice.

A Woldwatcher when it turtles.

Turn 5. By this stage I'm rooting (is that the correct spelling? oh well what ever) for Raek. Raek moves so he can hit the other two contestants. Attacks the Watch which autohits rolls a lot of 1's so tries hitting the Argus and does no damage so buy boosts dmg on the watcher and does 3 dmg (Is it too late to change my pick). Watcher hits Raek for 6 then turtles then the Argus hits the watcher but no dmg. Walls etc next turn.

Turn 6. Raek attacks the watcher and does no dmg tries again and does 5. Watcher boosts to hit Raek and takes out his spirit then turtles Argus attacks the Watcher but does no dmg.
Turn 7. Raek flails ineffectively at the watcher (annoying little thing it is)  Watcher takes a swing at Raek but misses then attacks the Argus and hits and kills it then turtles.
Turn 8 to end. So Raek takes a few turns at Watcher with do dmg. Eventuallt Watcher picks up Raek and throws it out of the ring and kills it.

Damn I hate those Rock Monsters.

Game 6

Its funny how many coincidences happen with random selection. Like lotto that nearly always has at least 2 sequential numbers. For this game we have the follow players.

Basilisk Krea, Its a giant frog that can slow stuff down. And its ugly.
Basilisk Drake, (theres the coinkidink)  So we've seen what happens when stuff gets thrown around. Lets see what happens when they are pushed.
Teraph is like a six legged Raek but with counter blast he should do a bit of damage.
Troll Bouncer, Well you know I love me some trolls and this guy is a brick S#!Thouse. Regens a given brace for impact nice for not going very far and bump to knock those puny mortals out of the ring not that I'm biased.
Nephilim Bolt Thrower is an impressive model and we all know how well ranged attacks go in the arena and this one can puch you as well.
And last on the line up is the Cyclops Brute. Stopping itself from knockdown and slam distance halved might help in this fight with so many pushes. I said pushes not er.

So lets get it on. Here is the starting positions.

Game 6. Start positions.
Turn 1. Games starts with Skorne on one side and Legion and the bouncer on the other. But any thoughts of cooperative play go out the window real quick.
Krea and Drake jockey for position. Teraph moves and shoots at Drake. He misses and so does the counter blast. Oops did we forget something. Bouncer lights up bump and charges the Bolt Thrower but is out of range. Bolty moves towards the Cyclops and takes a shot hits and pushes him out of the arena (I'm going to change that rule next time) and does 11 dmg so the Cyclops makes him reroll and no damage is done. Cyclops who is a little one eyed on this situation (ba dum dar) charges the Bolt thrower and takes out its spirit. (its all over now)

Turn 2. Now here's where the rot sets in. Krea moves towards the Cyclops (Bucking for promotion I see). Drake moves towards Krea in a classic Skorne game of who stabs who in the back. Drake sprays Krea and hits for 6 dmg (needed to boost on that). Teraph moves towards Drake. I guess he can smell blood. It shoots at Drake and takes out his mind. Bouncer moves towards Teraph cause you know thats how this game is going, don't turn your back on anyone. Bolt thrower swings and misses so Cyclops punishes him with a slap a total of 5 more dmg. I think poor bolty shot at the wrong beast.

Walls move everyone is in the ring. (for the rules go to Immoren-deadliest-warrior-Rules)

Turn 3. Krea shoots at Drake and misses. Drake decides enough is enough and charges Krea, but fails to hit. Teraph shoots at the Bouncer and chips the paint on his shield. Bouncer charges Teraph who counter strikes and chips some more paint then the bouncer gets stuck in. Bouncers attack takes out its mind. Bolt thrower tries at the Brute but his heart is not in it anymore and misses 3 times. Cyclops in a display of brilliant sword work misses all his shots cause he has a halberd which is a completely different weapon. Walls yarda yarda.

Turn 4. So we have 3 separate fights going on now. at about the 120 degree mark about as far away from each other as possible. Krea and Drake exchange blows and more blood is drawn, Teraph is struggling with the bouncers armour and only manages to pee the Bouncer off who then takes out another arm of the spiral. Bolty couldnt hit a barn if you threw the barn at him and the Brute puts the hurt on the Bolty but he is still in the game (Only just). Walls Walls this isnt the mercs you know but Krea and Drake are damaged for another 5 each.

Turn 5. Krea hits Drake and kills it. Whose the ugliest frog now eh? Teraph paws at the bouncer and gets killed for his troubles. Bouncer is still in good shape.Bolty needs to move to the center or the walls will get him. Cyclops gets a free strike but does no dmg. Now the Brute has to move but Bolty cant produce the goods and the Cyclops lops his head of and is also in real good shape.

Turn 6. Krea now turns his attention to the Cyclops. If only Skorne had stuck together. Krea does some dmg but after the reroll misses. The Bouncer tries to Slam Kra but misses and then cant hit him. Must have tripped on the way or something. Cyclops attacks the Bouncer but the Armour is just too good.

Turn 7 to end. Krea is finding out how hard a Brute is to hit and misses. Bouncer does some dmg to Krea. Cyclops has a depth perception problem and misses with 3 attacks. Krea tries to hit the bouncer but can get thru the armour either. Bouncer hits Krea and kills it then has a go at the Brute but misses and the Brute must be in defence mode cuase he misses as well. A few more rounds of this and finally the bouncer takes out the Cyclops spirit and from there it was all over. The Bouncer for the win.

Tanks seem to do really well in the Arena. But then so do long ranged knock back snipers so the end match will be awesome to watch. One more Game to go till the finals. I'll do that up on a new page.


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