Monday, 13 April 2015

Immoren's Deadliest Warrior - Kooidaminda Thunderdome! Light Warbeasts Part 4

Game 7

Last preliminary round before the big match. Its Trolls vs Circle. Just goes to show how many lights each of these factions have. Our line up is as below.

Pyre Troll: My second favourite troll. If he can stand back and shoot he might be in with a chance.

Night Troll: Not a fan but maybe its got game

Troll Axer: Thresher, Oh yer! If it can get in first and it should then it will do some damage.

Rotterhorn Griffon: Hmm it gets a free special action and it’s got the shriek and it can fly.

Scarsfell Griffon: I like this guy better. It gets parry and lots of other stuff that should see t through.

Argus Moonhound: Circular vision and it can move if someone casts an animi within 3” of it. Meh “this is not its room.”(movie quote)

Turn1: Rotterhorn moves 3”. Pyre troll moves 3” takes a shot at the Rotterhorn and misses. Everyone else makes a small move towards the center.

Turn 2: Rotterhorn moves towards the Scarfell, Pyre troll shoots at the Night Troll and misses. Night troll runs and animi’s (Allure). Axer runs towards the Argus. Argus moves in and howls. Scarfell charges the moonhound and does damage on all his attacks to kill it. Bad dog get back in your box.

Turn3: Rotterhorn moves 3”. Pyre troll charges Night Troll but fails. Night Troll charges the Pyre troll. Night troll paralyses the Pyre troll but is set on fire. Axer Charges the Scarfell but fails. Scarfell attacks the Axer and does total of 5 dmg.

Turn 4: Rotterhorn moves and sprays the Axer and does 7 dmg. Pyre troll hits the Night troll for 11 dmg. Night Troll regens and fire goes out. Night troll then head butts the Pyre troll and knocks him down and is set on fire again. Axer regens then moves and threshers. Hits the Rotterhorn for 5 dmg and the Scarfell for 6 dmg. Scarfell runs to center. Then the walls move and Axer and Rotterhorn take 5 more dmg.

Turn 5: Rotterhorn attacks the Axer and kills it. Pyre slaps the Night troll around again for 5 dmg and the fire does another 3 dmg. Night troll moves and the free strike gets him another 5dmg. Scarfell charges the weakened Night troll and kills it. Walls move and the Pyre Troll and Rotterhorn take another 5 dmg.

Turn 6: Rotterhorn moves to the center. Pyre troll attacks and kills the scarfell.

Turn 7: Things are hotting up and we’re down to the wire. Rotterhorn slams the Pyre troll thru the barrier and the Pyre troll takes 6 dmg total. Pyre moves back to the center and regens.

Turn 8: Rotterhorn picks up the Pyre troll and thorws him out again for 5 dmg. Pyre troll shoots but no dmg the regens. Pyre troll takes another 5 dmg for being outside the barrier.

Turn 9: Fire goes out on Rotterhorn. Rotterhorn moves back to center. Pyre troll moves to center and shoots but misses.

Turn 10: Rotterhorn slams the Pyre troll who goes outside the barrier again and is finally killed.

Regen really kept the Pyre troll in the game for a long time. A couple of lucky shots and some extra fire damage and the game would have gone the other way.

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