Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Finally another post!

A while ago i posted up pics of my woldwrath converson. Well now i have finally gotten around to posting up pics in all his painted glory. He was done a few months ago. (i know im lazy ill try to post more often, might be getting some pressure from aris)

Any way here we go....

Gratuitous close up

imposing models eye view

and fists ready for action.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Immoren Deadliest Warrior Mercenaries the Finals

So back again for the exciting final. To recap here are the finalists in order of turn.

Captain Phinneus (Errol Flynn) Shae, Ashlynnn (the one with the flag) D'Elyse, Fionna (I’m not a pirate) the Black and last but by no means least Constance (I’m really working for Cygnar) Blaize, Knight of the Prophet.

Captain Phinneus Shae, who works for the talion charter. Probably the prettiest of the mercs. His swash buckling ability will make sure that even when he is down he won’t be out. He can also handle a sword quite well and attack multiple foes, but it’s his feat which pound for pound is the best in the game, that should see him in combat quickly.

Ashlynnn D'Elyse. She was so good they resculpted her and by our favourite aussie sculptor to boot. A paramount warrior who is hard to hit. A bit of a gamble on feat turn so let’s hope she has what it takes.

Fionna the Black. Hmmm not a pirate, not a fighter, but she is pure evil and that’s gotta count for something.

Constance Blaize. Kinda the opposite of Fiona and all round goody goody. Her feat won’t do her much good here but I’m sure all that armour and big sword will come in handy.

Turn 1: Shae starts with his signature move of casting stormrager and advancing 3” to stay ahead of the walls. Ashlynn does her move of casting quicken and advancing 3” Fiona moves 6” and Constance casts banishing ward and moves 3”. A very exciting round that one.

Turn 2: Déjà vu, Shae upkeeps stormrager and moves 3”. Ashlynn upkeeps quicken moves 5” and shoots at Fiona. Hits but no damage. Fiona moves forward 3” and Constance upkeeps banishing ward and advance 3”.

Turn3: The last turn had me on the edge of my seat what will happen this turn. Stay tuned and find out.

Shae does a cut and paste, Ashlynn upkeeps quicken then charges Fiona. Boosts to hit and does 1 dmg. Fiona hits and does no dmg. Constance runs at Shae.

Turn 4:  Shae does the stormrager and moves to attack Constance. Hits her twice and moves her back 2”. Shae ends his turn outside the border and takes 2 dmg. Ashlynn upkeeps quicken then attacks Fiona. No dmg. Fiona moves then camps. Constance moves inside the border and takes a freestrike for 5dmg.

Turn 5: Shae upkeeps stormrager then moves into the center. Ashlynn swings at Fiona. Fiona feats and camps. Constance advances towards Ashlynn.

Turn 6: Shae upkeeps stormrager (Thank god for copy and paste). Shae shoots at Ashlynn and misses but now he has her attention and flashes his pearly whites at her. Ashlynn moves towards Constance and swings but misses. Fiona camps (Patience is a virtue apparently). Constance takes a free stike for no damage then flashing blades against Fiona and Ashlynn for 6 damage each. 2nd attack misses.

So blood was spilt, names were called and phone number exchanged. It’s really heating up now.

Turn 7: Shae upkeeps stormrager and charges Ashlynn. Ashlynn admons behind Shae. Ashlynn then casts admon and moves taking a free strike from Constance for 5 dmg. Fiona charges Ashlynn but no dmg then camps. Constance charges Ashlynn who admons away. Constance camps.

Lots of stuff happening and a few bloody noses and broken finger nails. Let the hair pulling continue.

Turn 8: Shae does his upkeep moves towards Constance. Attacks Ashlynn and kills her. I gues there will be no second date. Fiona attacks Constance and does 7 dmg. Buys another attack and boosts for 3 more dmg. Constance Kills Shae (Jealousy is a curse) then flashing blades Fiona.

OK we are down to the wire. Good vs Evil, Right vs Wrong, The Popular Girls vs the Book Geek.

Turn 9: Fiona attacks Constance. Boosts hit and damage for 1 point (ouch). Buy and boost 2nd for 3 then camps with 2 focus. Constance feels that it is all or nothing and boosts to hit for 8 dmg. Then buys boosts a 2nd attack and misses so buys boosts a 3rd and kills Fiona. Walks over to Fiona and says “How do you like me now BIATCH!!”

So Constance wins this one. We were originally going to put her in with the Cygnar bunch but decided she was better suited here. It’s been a pattern in these types of matches were the tanks just seem to do much better. Still she is no slouch with a blade and deserved the win.

Next time we hope to do Legion. Should be a fun game.

Thanks for reading. Cheers

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Immoren Deadliest Warrior - Mercs.

This week’s match is the Mercenaries. A deadlier bunch you will not ever come across (except for every other faction). They may not have tournament wining game but they were very entertaining in the Arena.

We took all the Warcasters and rolled a dice to randomly select who would be playing. We split them into 4 rounds so the final would have 4 contestants.

For a rehash of the rules go check this page Immoren Deadliest Warrior - The Rules.

Round 1

Constance Blaise (Apparently she is a merc), Gorten Grundback, General Ozzie Ossrum and Drake McBain.

This one didn’t last long. Gortan charged drake fails the charge. Ozzie uses snipe and takes a shot at Drake and misses. Drake charges Ozzie then camps after failed hit. Constance advances. Drake shoots Ozzie leqving him on 6 wounds then Drake kills Gorton. Ozzie decides to charge Constance and casts bullet dodger. 

After several rounds Constance kills Ozzie, Then Constance kills Drake to go on to the final. Lots of shooting in this round and a few rubber swords.

Round 2

3 Warcasters in this round.
Durgan Madhammer, Captain Damiano and Fiona (I’m not really a pirate) The Black.

My money was on Durgan. My money was wrong.

Turn 1: Dergan ran. Damiano casts surefoot and ran (maybe he charged). Fiona advanced.

Turn 2: Dergan aims at Damiano for 5pts of dmg and casts inhospitable ground. Damiano shoots back for 2 dmg. Fiona takes a walk.

Turn 3: Like the last turn Durgan aims at Damiano get 4 dmg on him. Damiano feats and charges Durgan and fails the charge. Fiona still strutting around.

Turn 4: Durgan shoots at Fiona for 4 dmg. Damiano runs towards Fiona (I suspect at this stage kort decided he wanted an all girl final). Fiona takes a free strike to cast a spell at Durgan but misses.

Turn 5: Durgan feats and charges Fiona. Hits her twice for total of 4 dmg. Damiano charges and after two hits kills Gurgan but has no focus left. Fiona then kills Damiano to go to the final.

Round 3

Magnus the Warlord, Ashlynn D'Elyse and Captain Bartolo Montador.

Turn 1: Emag casts mobility and charges 10” towards the middle. Ash casts quicken and advances and Bart casts hotshot and advances.

Turn 2: Em casts mobility charges bart (fails). Ash upkeeps quicken and shoots Em. Bart upkeeps hotshot and advances.

Turn 3: Em camps. Ash upkeeps quicken and shoots at Em and misses again. And Bart upkeeps Hotshot.

Turn 4: Groundhog day. Em camps. Ash upkeeps quicken and moves. Bart shoots Em. Hits but no dmg and call feat.

Turn 5: Groundhog day again. Em camps. Ash shoots Bart. Bart shoots Ash. No dmg. Ash caught outside border takes 3 dmg.

Turn 6: Em feats causes Ash to be caught outside border again so she takes another 3 dmg. (Em feats call for picking a table edge. We had a lively discussion because technically there is only one edge in a circle so we decided it was pick two directions which are technically table edges.). Bart charges Ash and does 6 more dmg.

Turn 7: Em casts mobility and charges Bart. Hits and does 4 dmg hits again and knocks down Bart. Bart ends up outside the border and takes 6 more dmg for a total of 11 so far. Ash upkeeps quicken, then runs to center. Bart stands up and attacks Em. After a few rounds manages to Kill him. Bart outside border so takes another 4 dmg.

Turn 8: Ash upkeeps quicken and charges Bart. Bart has no focus and is killed by Ashlynn.

3rd girl into the finals.

Round 4: The final qualifier.

We have Shae (who they say is a little girly but I call it good dress sense) Pmagnus (the traitor) and Exulon Thexus (the puppet master)

So they decided that Shae was the token girl and may have skewed this one (although eddie was playing ET and was keen to see him do well)

Turn 1: Shae casts storm rager and moves 6”. Pmag casts blur and charges Shae (fails charge). ET camps and mvs.

Turn 2: Shae UK Stormrager and moves 6”. Pmag upkeeps blur and runs. ET moves and casts TK on Pmag.

Turn 3: Shae same same now in the middle. Shoots at Pmag and hits but no dmg. PM runs at ET. ET tries to TK Pmag but misses. Then TKs again and puts Pmag outside the border. Pmag takes 5 dmg.

Turn 4: Shae upkeeps stormrager feats then charges ET.Hits ET for 9dmg then 2nd attack kills ET. Pmag moves and shoots Shae for 7 dmg. Wall does 2 dmg to Shae.

Turn 5: Shae upkeeps Stormrager and charges Pmag. Hits for 7dmg 2nd hits for 4 dmg and 3rd attack kills Pmag.

So Shae goes into the final. Will his pretty boy charm win him the match? Stay tuned for the next instalment.

I’ll write up the final in its own section cause it was a long games.

We have in order of turn. Captain Phinneus (Errol Flynn) Shae, Ashlynn (the one with the flag) D'Elyse, Fionna (I’m not a pirate) the Black and lastly but by no means leastly Constance (I’m really working for Cygnar) Blaize, Knight of the Prophet.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Immoren Deadliest Warrior - Kooidaminda Thunderdome!


This is something we have been doing for a bit of fun. I don’t know if I've published results of these nor can I find a copy of the rules, so I will repeat them here.

The aim of this game is to find the deadliest caster/Warlock in the Thunderdome. Each faction will play off till they have a champion who will then compete against the champions of each other faction. As Warlocks cannot use transfers their armour will act as Warcaster armour and fury can be used as armour boost. Also at the start of the turn they will receive a full complement of Fury.
  1. Field of play is a 3ft circle. (4ft if 5 or more players) 
  2. Only the caster is allowed, not any of his entourage. Also any feat that will call extra warriors or war beasts cannot be used. (May have to come up with a modified feat like extra attacks etc) 
  3. All Warcasters/Warlocks will start at an even distance from each other and may deploy up to 1 inch into the field of play. IE there base may be up to 1 inch from the edge. 
  4. Players will roll dice to decide turn order and may deploy in that order keeping in mind rule 3. 
  5. At the end of turn 2 the borders of the arena will move in 3 inches. This will continue until the field is 12 inch diameter and will cease. 
  6. When the border moves if a caster is caught outside the field he/she will take D6 damage that cannot be healed or regenerated. Also if at the end of a casters turn he/she is found outside the border the same will occur. Additionally if a caster is slammed or thrown he will stop at the border and take an additional D6 damage. If a caster is teleported he will not take damage but is subject to damage if he cannot make it back inside the border at the end of his turn. 
  7. A caster cannot actively move through the border it acts as a solid wall. You can teleport through it but are subject to the damage rules. 
  8. Winner is the last caster standing. 
The rest of the game uses the current Warmachine/Hordes rules (Owned by PP so don’t go stealing their stuff they don’t like it).

So far we have played the following factions with the displayed winners. Some of them are rather surprising.

Cygnar: Darious. Khador: Butcher 1. Cryx: Skarre 1. COC: Axis. Circle: Kromach.

Something interesting in this is that casters with lots of wounds seem to last longer (I guess no real surprise there) but also some of the less utilised casters seem to do very well in this scenario.

We played Mercs a few weeks ago and had another set of surprising results. I’ll do a write up in a different post so you can read the full story (Well as much as I wrote down and can understand from my hand writing.)

We have also tried this set of rules using jacks and it works quite well. At the start of each turn you get full focus and beast can use full fury. I think we did Khador but I can’t find my notes but once I do I’ll do a bit of a write up on it as well.


Monday, 2 February 2015

I'm not cheating, it's in the rules

Yep 4 weeks in and I missed a release already. SO……… I’ll have to do a double release next time.

Well back from Cancon and suffering the PTS or Post Tournament Stress. I really have no drive at the moment as I put everything into having my army ready for Cancon. So no minis to look at today. I do have one thing I wanted to rant / discuss though and it occurred during a tournament I played in.

I entered the Speed machine. It’s a fun little tourney that takes about 3 hours total as each round is only a 16 minute death clock, . Rules are you may only bring warcasters/warlocks and warjacks/warbeasts. The first round I played a Cryx player and I thought I was in with a chance. It was going great till his caster pulled his feat and out comes 6 banes knights who then charge my Mulg and kill it in that turn. I questioned weather that was legal as its only supposed to be warcaster/warbeast and not troops and he said that the rules state the army list has those restrictions but nothing was said about summoning troops after the game starts.

Not my minis
For those of you that know me you will probably guess my response to that. Comments like “Well you really know how to suck the fun out of what was suppose to be a fun tourney.” and “I hope you can live with yourself knowing you can only win by cheating.” may or may not have been said but this is not the first time I have experienced this type of attitude. We have a yearly retreat that has a Grande Melee Magic game. The winner picks the rules for next year to make it the fun little thing that it is. One year the winner said the rules will be no creatures in your deck. The first conversation I heard was how can we get around that rule by using token which don’t count as creatures.

So it brings me to the point I am trying to make. Is it better to play in the spirit of the rules, or to play by the rules and find a way to get around the rules. In my mind you should try to win in the spirit of the rules. So in the instance of the caster in question he would be banned or his feat would not be allowed and to use him would be cheating.(As an aside the guy won the tournament so maybe there is something in that). And in the magic example you would have to find a way in the spirit of the rules to win and not use tokens to get around the rules. (Tokens are summoned creatures that don’t count as creatures and don’t get me started on that)

Now I know plenty of people that will say that if the rules don’t state it then you can do it. But is that playing to the spirit of the games. We play a modified game of warmachine where it is only the warcasters and we make very specific rules to null out bringing followers and summoning extra creatures etc as we want to see caster vs caster and the extra bodies would make the game too skewed.

I have argued the point around and around and I know I will never convince those players who think that getting around the rules is a legal way to play and maybe I should just give in and play chess or checkers which is one of the few really balanced mini games. Anyway let me know what you think and happy gaming.
