Saturday, 30 April 2016

Ogrebanes Omnium Gatherum: Part 16F Fire Support part 2. here comes the Boom

Boomers and done. Some of the green stuff looks a little rough now that I have under coated them but I'm still pretty happy with how they turned out. Here's some pics, you be the judge.

There are some leaking barrels at the back of the base with flammable stuff leaking out. It doesn't really show up in this pic.

Can you guess where the inspiration came for this guy.
 All you warmachine players should pick it

GW ogres really aren't built for doing different posses.
This one is supposed to be leaning over for a big spurt.

They are undercoated now so paint should be applied tonite and more pics to follow.

Let me know what you think.


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