Friday, 19 July 2013

Kooinda Gaming Club League table for July

July 2013

│Pos│  Name   │Faction│Games│Games│ New │ New │Paint│Castr│Torny│Total│
                   │Ply'd│ Won │Playr│Factn│ Pnts│Kills│Pnts │    
│ 1 │Eddie    │Cryx     23 │  15 │   5 │   5 │  14 │   9 │26.00│97.00│
│ 2 │Ado      │Mercs    17 │  12 │   7 │   7 │  17 │   7 │28.75│95.75│
│ 3 │Kortez   │Cygnar │  28 │  17 │   5 │   6 │  16 │   7 │11.50│90.50│
│ 4 │Jay      │Legion │  31 │  11 │   6 │   7 │  12 │   9 │11.50│87.50│
│ 5 │Aris     │Pirates│  19 │   5 │   6 │   7 │  13 │   2 │13.00│65.00│
│ 6 │Foster   │Ret      10 │   6 │   6 │   6 │   7 │   2 │13.25│50.25│
│ 7 │Matt-Man │Khador │   8 │   6 │   5 │   5 │   4 │   3 │10.00│41.00│
│ 8 │Alan?    │Cryx      8 │   3 │   5 │   5 │   4 │   1 │10.25│36.25│

Not a lot going on this month but we have had a few games. I know Im going to miss a couple

So Ado and Eddy had a game. A nail biter where Ado wiped out eddies army but left his caster alive and eddie ended up with the win. So Ado gets a play and paint for 2 points and Eddie gets Play win and caster kill for 3
Also Jay and Kort had a game. From memory Kort gets a play and a win and Jay get a play.

Eddie played Jay for a win play and caster kill and jay gets a play.

21/7 Club day at LXG Ado played eddie. Ado gets 4 pts for play, paint, win and caster kill. Eddie gets played
22/7 Kort played Jay Kort won by caster kill for 3 pts Jay gets 2 for played and painted

Games day at Kooinda: We had a few games
26/7 Kort vs Aris Kort won by count back as we ran out of time for 2 pts and I get 1
     Kort vs Ado: time ran out and Kort gets the win for 2 pts Ado had played and painted for 2     Last game of the day is Jay vs Eddie. Eddie get 3 for play win Caster kill and Jay get played and painted for 2
So next day I had a game against Kort. I hate fire it is too over powered. Kort won by burning my army to death so he gets 3 pts win play caster kill. I get 2 pts for play and new faction.

And last one for the month. Its Warmachine Wednesday on a Monday. Yer doesn’t really work doesit. Anyway Me and Kort had a game. Kort won by senerio I forgot about kill box and gave him 2 points and it was easy to pick up the other 3 points. I ran a collosus and Im not sure if they are worth the points yet. I guess I need more games with them.
So Kort gets 2 points fro play and win and I get 1 point for play.

June 2013

│Pos│  Name   │Faction│Games│Games│ New │ New │Paint│Castr│Torny│Total│
│   │         │       │Ply'd│ Won │Playr│Factn│ Pnts│Kills│Pnts │     │
│ 1 │Ado      │Mercs  │  14 │  11 │   7 │   7 │  14 │   6 │28.75│87.75│
│ 2 │Eddie    │Cryx   │  19 │  12 │   5 │   5 │  14 │   6 │26.00│87.00│
│ 3 │Jay      │Legion │  27 │  11 │   6 │   7 │  10 │   9 │11.50│81.50│
│ 4 │Kortez   │Cygnar │  23 │  12 │   5 │   6 │  16 │   6 │11.50│79.50│
│ 5 │Aris     │Pirates│  17 │   5 │   6 │   6 │  13 │   2 │13.00│62.00│
│ 6 │Foster   │Ret    │  10 │   6 │   6 │   6 │   7 │   2 │13.25│50.25│
│ 7 │Matt-Man │Khador │   8 │   6 │   5 │   5 │   4 │   3 │10.00│41.00│
│ 8 │Alan?    │Cryx   │   8 │   3 │   5 │   5 │   4 │   1 │10.25│36.25│

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