Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Ogrebanes Omnium Gatherum part-13b : Born of this earth

More progress shots. I went for a more earthy skin tone with this guy. Still needs some washes to darken it up but I have to be careful it doesn't look too much like the wood colour.

Tooth fell out. 2 Part sux for glueing small bits.
I guess Eddie will have to glue it in for me (I'm allergic to super glue)

All the bits seem to fit pretty good.
Just need to finish of the tree with some roots and it can get painted.

Hind sight is a great thing.
If I was to do this again I would make the right arm the one used to vault over the wall.

Stripper pole pose.

Well that's it for now. let me know what you think. More to come soon.


Friday, 26 June 2015

Ogrebane's Omnium-Gatherum Part 13a. Born of this earth

Progress report.

One of the great things about digital cameras is that they take a picture as it is and show up every flaw. The bad thing about digital cameras is that they take a picture as it is and show up every flaw. So I thought I had finished all the green stuff but there is a part on the right forearm that I will redo. Its supposed to look like bark but I seem to have missed a big chunk.

Anyway with that being said this is what the final mini will look like. Just to clarify though the base isn't finished. I want to paint the Troll first then attach it to the mostly painted base, then finish the base off. The problem is the tree gets in the way so I wont attach the right hand to the wrist till the troll is painted then I will sculpt some roots etc. for the bottom of the tree.

I had to re-sculpt the belly. Don't know what was going on there.

As you can see the bottom of the tree needs finishing. That will have to wait till the rest is done.

Not much to see here move along.

You can kind of make out the bark on his arm. Painting will help make it stand out.

More to come stay tuned.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Ogrebane's Omnium-Gatherum Part 13. Born of this earth

Yes yet another troll project.

I guess there comes a time in every Troll players life where he decides to play Runes of War. Well I’m no different and after much resistance I gave it a go with a mostly proxied army. I didn’t want to spend the $160 to buy the runeshapers so I spent over $200 to buy a different army that may or may not ever see the light of day.

I liked the style of play and I played the standard list

50pts (Tier 4): pDoomie
Not my doomy. I'll post mine when I get a pic of it.
- Mulg the Ancient (Got it)
- Earthborn Dire Troll (Not Yet)
- Dire Troll Mauler (Got it)
- Troll Axer (Standard)
Janissa Stonetide (Got her almost a std for the faction)
Krielstone Bearer & Scribes (max+UA) (Must have)
Runeshapers (Don't got em yet)

I liked that Mulg was in there as I had spent a lot of time building him and he doesn’t get much play and I had just finished a Diretroll kit that was magnetised so I had the Mauler and every troll player will buy the startup kit so I had at least one Axer. The only beast I didn’t have was the Earthborn. I’ve used him a few times and like what he brings to the table but I really hate the mini so I decided to get another Diretroll kit and build my own.

So the idea is that he will take on the aspects of the terrain he is touching. Below you can see the start of the base. I reshaped the left arm to be holding a low wall. I will either make the arm look more rock like or paint it as if it is transforming to rock I haven’t decided yet.

The Right arm will be holding a tree trunk and will be turning to wood. As above I will either make the arm look like the trunk or paint it like it is turning.

I was going to have one of the legs in some water but I’m not sure how to represent the leg turning to liquid (I don’t think my painting and sculpting skills are up to it.

So let’s have a look at what I have so far.

These are all the bits you get in the kit. Enough to make 3 different trolls.

Left arm reshaped. I made the wall out of Dense foam but as it wouldn’t hold the weight of the mini I have put a heavy pin through the arm that will go into the base to support the weight. I then covered the base in a mix of PVA and paint to seal the bark and the foam.

Test fit. I put the had in boiling water for 60 seconds and bent the fingers a bit to make the hand pose look more "natural". He is still going to hang over the base but hopefully his height will be enough to not get in the way of other minis.

More to come stay tuned.