Saturday, 2 November 2013

Kooinda Gaming Klub League Table for November

November 2013
│Pos│  Name   │Faction│Games│Games│ New │ New │Paint│Castr│Torny│Total │
  │         │       │Ply'd│ Won │Playr│Factn│ Pnts│Kills│Pnts │      │
│ 1 │Kortez   │Cygnar │  49 │  30 │  11 │  11 │  19 │  18 │17.25│155.25│
│ 2 │Ado      │Mercs  │  30 │  21 │  14 │  10 │  30 │  11 │37.00│153.00│
│ 3 │Jay      │Legion │  51 │  18 │  10 │  10 │  25 │  12 │16.25│142.25│
│ 4 │Eddie    │Cryx   │  35 │  20 │   9 │   7 │  21 │  14 │26.00│132.00│
│ 5 │Aris     │Pirates│  29 │   8 │   7 │  10 │  18 │   4 │15.00│ 91.00│
│ 6 │Foster   │Ret    │  14 │   7 │   7 │   7 │   7 │   3 │17.25│ 63.25│
│ 7 │Matt-Man │Khador │   8 │   6 │   5 │   5 │   4 │   3 │10.00│ 41.00│
│ 8 │Alan?    │Cryx   │   8 │   3 │   5 │   5 │   4 │   1 │10.25│ 36.25│
│ 9 │Chunky   │Trolls │   3 │   3 │   3 │   3 │   3 │   2 │ 9.00│ 25.00│
│10 │Gelfie   │Crocs  │   3 │   2 │   3 │   3 │   3 │   1 │ 6.25│ 21.25│
│11 │Graham   │Khador │   3 │   1 │   3 │   3 │   3 │   1 │ 3.00│ 17.00│

Table for October is updated but I am missing all of Jays Tourney points. I also re jigged ado's points cause he cant add. SO this is it for November. I assume games have been played but noone has updated the facebook page yet.

War machine Monday 4-11: Kort v jay with cygnar Ehaley vs Legion Rhyas.

I took first and ran with most models, cast temp acc on stormy and advanced n dropped pod and aoe's.

Jay ran his force up, through tough on the war spears and ran into position and the turn passed.

I decided to try for an assassination attempt on Rhyas i allocated 4 and cast temp accel on the stormy and dead eye on the gun mages then popped feat. Gun mages got Rhyas down to 4? Hit boxs, he had couple transfers but was holding onto them due to 3 heavy gun shots coming his way. Stormy boosted two shots and missed twice, my third shot I threw into a sythien and did 13 boosted damage!!

With that said the rest of my force positioned themselves and the stormlances assaulted some spears, one ran to engage the war chief on my right flank and the others killed one spear.
Jay went and couldn't really do too much with the feat up. He cast a couple spells threw up no shooting from his hellion to stop the gun mages and that was it.
My turn went with a few TK's in order to free up some mages and attempt shots, they that could shot and took out the shepherd. My stormy scrapped both the Scythian and proteus and the hammer dwarves took out the objective on my right. I scored 2 points and was looking good:)

Jay decided to go for it as best he could and fated, his lone war chief killed all but 3 dwarfs and wars spears swung at a pod and junior taking them both out, then he went in with his battle engine to try and leap and kill Haley but I TK it last turn so it was facing the wrong way and couldn't charge, later jay realized it had 360, but it still didn't do the job. My dwarfs were fleeing so jay picked up a point.

My turn started with 4 going to stormy and a lil thinking taking place. Basically Haley TK Rhyas to turn her but to the stormy then thorn got his free advance and she TK the bolt thrower, jays last beast, out of transfer range she then stood still and boosted a shot at the succubus in the way of stormy from advancing in. She hit and couldn't boost range but rolled enough anyways. So stormy went in competing with spears and an objective but was able to get reach on his caster. First attack boosted hit and at dice plus 6, it auto killed yay.

We even rolled it out too see what would happen if he did transfer and I still rolled enough to kill the beast and to splash enough back anyways, but it doesn't hurt to be safe
*Kort 1pt play 1pt caster 1pt win
*Jay 1pt play

Game weekend Aris’s House 16-17 Nov
A few games over the weekend. Ado and Eddy where trying out some armies for Cancon so I obliged then with a game. Kort jumped in as well eager to get enough points to pass Ado on the league table.

Krt v Ado Kort gets 3 points Play win Castor kill Ado none

Aris vs Jay. Jay left his caster near my Colossus after a failed assassination attempt.
*I get 3 points Play win Castor Kill.
*Jay get 2 for play and paint

Aris vs Eddy. I think I had the 3 crewmen from the commodore still on the table. Brutal game I wish I had of taped this one I made so many mistakes.
*Eddie get none as he was playing with goat girl
*I get play and paint

Played Ado he was using Khador (so no points for him) and I was using bart. He smashed me with the no magic castor but it was a new faction for me so
*I got a play paint and new faction for 3 points

Warmachine Wednesday 27-11
Jay Played Allen Love and Neil at The Battlestation. Lost to Allen's Mercs but beat Neil's Khador. New player, 2xPainted, 2xPlayed, Win, Caster Kill for 7 points.

Warmachine monday 25-11
Jay Played Tony at Good-Games, they wanted to close up shop early so Tony got aggressive and left PDoomshaper on the front lines, Belphagor moves up and throws PDoomy back towards my army and my caster and Scythean finish him. New player,played, painted, caster kill and win for 5 points.

│Pos│  Name   │Faction│Games│Games│ New │ New │Paint│Castr│Torny│Total │
│   │         │       │Ply'd│ Won │Playr│Factn│ Pnts│Kills│Pnts │      │
│ 1 │Ado      │Mercs  │  30 │  21 │  14 │  10 │  30 │  11 │37.00│152.00│
│ 2 │Kortez   │Cygnar │  47 │  28 │  11 │  11 │  19 │  16 │17.25│148.25│
│ 3 │Eddie    │Cryx   │  35 │  20 │   9 │   7 │  21 │  14 │26.00│131.00│
│ 4 │Jay      │Legion │  46 │  16 │   8 │  10 │  21 │  10 │16.25│128.25│
│ 5 │Aris     │Pirates│  26 │   7 │   7 │   9 │  16 │   3 │15.00│ 84.00│
│ 6 │Foster   │Ret    │  14 │   7 │   7 │   7 │   7 │   3 │17.25│ 63.25│
│ 7 │Matt-Man │Khador │   8 │   6 │   5 │   5 │   4 │   3 │10.00│ 41.00│
│ 8 │Alan?    │Cryx   │   8 │   3 │   5 │   5 │   4 │   1 │10.25│ 36.25│
│ 9 │Chunky   │Trolls │   3 │   3 │   3 │   3 │   3 │   2 │ 9.00│ 25.00│
│10 │Gelfie   │Crocs  │   3 │   2 │   3 │   3 │   3 │   1 │ 6.25│ 21.25│
│11 │Graham   │Khador │   3 │   1 │   3 │   3 │   3 │   1 │ 3.00│ 17.00│


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