Sunday, 19 May 2013

How to build a Best painted army: Part 1

Over the next couple of weeks I would like to bring you a series of articles on how to win a best painted award. This wont be an article on how to win a tourney nor how to build a competitive army list (That one is for Ado to write). And this article won’t really be army specific. What I will bring you is some general tips that will greatly increase your chances of wining best painted army.

Now don’t worry that your not a golden daemon level painter (This could help but would take too long to finish and army) You will need to know how to paint and do conversion though so if this is a problem for you then I would suggest you work on those skills first.

So here is a list to get you started and we will develop this list as we progress along.
1.      The Theme. The first thing you will need is a theme. A theme you say don’t we need an army first. My answer is not necessarily. The last warhammer army I finished was a Spartan army. I could use it as A high elf army, Dark elf army and Chaos army as well as use it in ancients as a Spartan army. I developed the theme first then applied it to an army list.

2.      Show pieces. These will be some models that stand out from the crowd. These models will require special love and attention in order to really show them off. An example of one of these could be your general or war engine but don’t get them confused with the next item on our list

                       Paymaster                                                                         High elf Noble

3.      The centre piece. Much like the “show pieces” the “centre piece” requires allot of attention. It will also be the biggest model in you army so will take the most time. This piece doesn’t have to be one single model though. In the case of the Spartan army I had one unit attacking a Minotaur and this was my centre piece. In my Ogre army I had a unit of two Rhinox riders that really stood out. The whole idea of the centre piece though is to get the affect of
       "Dood, you have to come look at this model in this army". If you are hearing that then you got
        it right.

4.      Eye catchers. In each unit you need a few little details that when people have a second or third look they will notice the extra details. In my Ogre army I had a unit of Gnoblars riding toy ponies. Then behind then I had Gnoblars clapping coconuts together and then some guy carrying stuff and then the guys carrying all the luggage. Little things like this just give people a reason to hang around longer and look at your stuff. When it comes to voting on the best painted these things will stick in their minds when two armies are close to being selected.

5.      Taylor your army selection to pick the theme or get creative with you conversions. When I was playing Ogres I picked Bretonnian as my theme. I was originally going to make a Monty Python version of the Guy on a toy pony and the coconut guy but I thought it was too cheesy for a real Bret army but Once I saw this guy
I knew what I wanted to do. So I picked my theme then my army based on one guy. Anyway after a few games I needed some fire power so I wanted to add some lead belchers except they didn't fit in with the Bret theme. So I modelled them on the Archers with Braziers and flaming arrows and problem solved.

Ok thats it for today. In part 2 I will look at the first topic The Theme

I'll update this with pics later.

Slow Growth Tourny 25pt 8th Jun

Our 25pt Slow growth tourney will be held on 8 Jun

All are welcome to attend although if you havent played before it would be a good idea to contact one of us to get so additional info on how we play.

So the rules are the same as the last tourney (except for points value) but I'll post them here for you all to read.

25pt Slow Growth Tourney rules

We will be using the Steamroller 2013 with the following changes.

Army is 25 points.
Must be your slow growth army (This is the one you use in all slow growth games)
Must be fully painted. 3 colours and based. (We relaxed this rules so if its not based we will still allow it)
Turns will be 6 minutes with 3 minute extension. (SR says 5 but I know I need the extra time)
4 games will be played with random for the first game and ranked for the rest. (SR says 3 for 8 or less but we play 4 games sorry Ado days too short with only 3 games)
After the first game the players will set up there army for the beauty pageant. Players will pick first and second and the totals will be tallied at the end of the tourney.

Slow growth tourney points rules

1 point for playing a game with your slow growth army
1 point if your army is fully painted (It should be painted)
1 point for playing a player you have never played before.
1 point for playing a faction you have never played
1 point for a win
1 point for a caster kill.

I am also adding some extra ways to make points when you play a tourney

1 point for playing a tourney game with your Slow growth army.
1/4 point for every objective point you get.
4 points for wining the tourney
1 point for any trophy you win.

1 point for holding a KGKT coin at the start of the tourney. (see note 1)
1 point for holding a KGKT coin at the end of the tourney

Reroll coin rules
The holder of the coin may spend the coin to either reroll 1 dice or reroll all dice in one roll. The coin cannot be used to reroll a reroll. To spend a coin you hand it to your opponent. He may then spend it as above. The coin can only be used once a turn but may be used as many times during a games as turns permit. You may hold as many coins as you like. Coins are only usable in the year they are issued.

You can acquire league point with the coin in the following ways.
1 point if you have a coin at the start of the tourney
1 point for every game you hold a coin and don't spend it.
1 point if you have a coin at the end of the tournament.
You can only acquire league points with the coin if it is a slow growth tourney.
You may only use the coin at KGK tourneys.

Coins are issued as follows.
At the start of the year the person in the first tourney of the year who is the lowest person on the league table who has actually played at least one game will be issued a coin.
The person who finishes lowest on the table will be given a coin.

I believe Eddie and Ado hold a coin becuase I Jay spent his coin in a normal game last month (and still failed his leadership roll :D ).

There should be 6 trophies this month. The person who won the trophie last time has to make the trophie this time.
Trophie making rules are as follows.
  1. It must cost under $5
  2. It must take less than 3 hours to make
  3. It must be made by the person who won it last. 
The trophies are as follows
  1. First place. (Needs a cool name like Field marshal trophie or something) (Eddy to make)
  2. Best painted army (This needs a cool name to like Parade ready or some such I'll have to think about it) (I won that one so me again)
  3. Assassin: Fastest caster kill (I think Ado won this one)
  4. Genocide: Highest army points killed (Matt got this 1 from memory)
  5. Slayer award: for the model (selected by the player) who takes the most boxes during the tourney.
  6. Fat Controller: The person who claims the most control points. (This is a new one so I will make this)
We also have the coin for the last place.

So as I see it just for playing you should walk out with 12 points on the table (and maybe 13 cause you should win a trophy). Give me a message if you intend to come along cause if I get 8 players I will register it on the wanking ranking site.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Whats happening this month

So last month was really light on for content. This month I hope to bring you some more stuff.

Things we will be doing this month is more terrain so I may do a step by step and I wil also do a step by step on the pirate bases for my amy. I also hope to release a few vids on gaming just to get an idea of how to produce a video and a few articles on painting collecting and army building.

Stay tuned.

Slow growth Table for May

May 2013

OK so apparently I added up the scores wrong which has dropped Kort from the top in April but he has bounced back after his last game.

These are the revised scores.

│Pos│  Name   │Faction│Games│Games│ New │ New │Paint│Castr│Torny│Total│
                   │Ply'd│ Won │Playr│Factn│ Pnts│Kills│Pnts │    
│ 1 │Jay      │Legion │  23 │   9 │   6 │   7 │  10 │   8 │ 6.25│69.25│
│ 2 │Kortez   │Cygnar │  19 │  10 │   4 │   5 │  16 │   6 │ 5.00│65.00│
│ 3 │Eddie    │Cryx     15 │   9 │   5 │   5 │  10 │   5 │11.75│60.75│
│ 4 │Ado      │Mercs    10 │   8 │   5 │   5 │  10 │   5 │ 9.00│52.00│
│ 5 │Foster   │Ret      10 │   6 │   6 │   6 │   7 │   2 │13.25│50.25│
│ 6 │Aris     │Pirates│  13 │   3 │   5 │   5 │   9 │   2 │ 5.75│42.75│
│ 7 │Matt-Man │Khador │   4 │   3 │   4 │   4 │   4 │   3 │ 5.00│27.00│
│ 8 │Alan?    │Cryx      4 │   2 │   4 │   4 │   4 │   1 │ 5.25│24.25│
Just to finish of the month we have a few games to add.

Kort gets a play and paint for 2 more points and Foster and Jay played 3 games each to give them a total of 10 points each.

OK this is the league table for may. We were a bit light on for content for may so lets hope we get a bit more going.

I know the table placings are out but Im waiting some results hen I will redo it.

It was supposed to be a terrain building day but it was raining and paint and glue would dry so we had a few games.

I played eddie and lost so eddie gets 4 point for play win paint and caster kill. He killed me with the death jack and we took some picks so I ight do a WM for noobs to show you what not to do.

Also I played Ado. He got a win paint and paly for 3 points and I got 2 points again.

Kort and jay had a couple of games. They tried out few different armies. So Kort got 4 point in one game and Jay none then Jay got 4 point in the next and Kort none.

So first game was on thursday 2nd may. Kort vs Jay. Kort wins for 3 pts and Jay gets 1 pt.

April 2013

│Pos│  Name   │Faction│Games│Games│ New │ New │Paint│Castr│Torny│Total│
│   │         │       │Ply'd│ Won │Playr│Factn│ Pnts│Kills│Pnts │     │
│ 1 │Kortez   │Cygnar │  18 │  10 │   4 │   5 │  15 │   6 │ 5.00│61.00│
│ 2 │Eddie    │Cryx   │  15 │   9 │   5 │   5 │  10 │   5 │11.75│60.75│
│ 3 │Jay      │Legion │  20 │   6 │   6 │   7 │   7 │   7 │ 6.25│59.25│
│ 4 │Ado      │Mercs  │  10 │   8 │   5 │   5 │  10 │   5 │ 9.00│52.00│
│ 5 │Aris     │Pirates│  13 │   3 │   5 │   5 │   9 │   2 │ 5.75│42.75│
│ 6 │Foster   │Ret    │   7 │   3 │   6 │   6 │   4 │   1 │13.25│40.25│
│ 7 │Matt-Man │Khador │   4 │   3 │   4 │   4 │   4 │   3 │ 5.00│27.00│
│ 8 │Alan?    │Cryx   │   4 │   2 │   4 │   4 │   4 │   1 │ 5.25│24.25│