Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Ogrebanes Omnium Gatherum: Part 16C: Wretched gets a mount part 3.

He is really coming together now. I have a few minor things to do like a neck chain the reigns in his left hand and a few decorative bits but I like where this guy is going. Anyway have a look and let me know what you think.

Base is painted but I want more detail in it.

A Regal pose for a not so regal Poser.
You can see the hawk on his shoulder.
I wanted something bogger (he he) but it will do for now.
Imagine this thing charging at you.

I have to thank eddie for putting me on the Siege breakers. All my Maneaters will be converted to these guys but I may need to make a lot more. They are rock hard at 6+ to wound.
So that's it so far. A lot more stuff to do but progressing at a good pace. leave a comment even bad ones help.


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